Mission Valley Christian Fellowship Once Again Broadcasts Christmas Eve Service On National Radio, the Internet
The country's largest homeless church (for now) has once again found a place on the radio dial and will air its Christmas Eve service on nearly 500 radio stations around the country, including Alaska and Hawaii.
Pastor Leo Giovinetti of Mission Valley Christian Fellowship will be heard on all CSN stations, as well as over the internet. He will preach the gospel message and explain to listeners what it means to accept Jesus Christ as one's lord and savior.
People in the San Diego area can attend one of two morning services on Christmas Eve, as well as the evening service. Times are 9:30 am and 11:15 am (secured child care will be provided in the morning) and at 7:30 Sunday Night at the Town & Country Hotel in Mission Valley's Hotel Circle.
Mission Valley Christian Fellowship has recently entered into an agreement to make the old Coleman College in La Mesa its new home. Construction is expected to begin in early 2007.
For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten son,
that whosoever believeth in Him
should not perish,
but have everlasting life.
JOHN 3:16
This is the day the Lord hath made; he calls the hours his own.
Let heaven rejoice, let earth be glad, and praise surround the throne.
I pray that God, who gives hope, will bless you with complete happiness and peace because of your faith. And may the power of the Holy Spirit fill you with hope. Romans 15:13