This is the day the Lord hath made; he calls the hours his own.
Let heaven rejoice, let earth be glad, and praise surround the throne.
San Diego County

News Service BY Christians FOR Christians  *  Promoting Good News Events and Building Communication in the Body of Christ"
I pray that God, who gives hope, will bless you with complete happiness and peace because of your faith. And may the power of the Holy Spirit fill you with hope.      Romans 15:13

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Tickets are now on sale for MVCF's Annual Christmas Victorian Tea.  The event includes lunch, fellowship, and  special music along with a Victorian fashion show.
Call (619) 683-7729 for ticket availability

Saturday, Dec. 9, 2006
Photo Sittings Begin at 10am
Lunch Served at 11:30 
Red Lion Hanalei Hotel
at San Diego's "Hotel Circle"
Tickets are $35/Parking is $2

Customized Disc Jockey
Christmas Victorian Tea Brings Gospel Message To A New Age

Tickets on Sale Now For Annual Women's Fellowship Outreach

   Desiree Valdez was as excited as she could be.  Christmas was coming, her little boy was excited an on good behavior, and on this day, she was going to be able to hang out with one of her favorite friends.  She had been invited to Mission Valley Christian Fellowship's Women's Victorian Tea. 

  Desiree was looking forward to lunch at a nice hotel with a  Yolanda, who also happened to be her boyfriend's mother.  She would have a nice little break from her wonderful son for a few hours as well.  And that's not all.  She was very interested in hearing about Jesus Christ.   Desiree had expressed to Yolanda that she wanted to change some of her ways.  She had expressed she was tired of the party life and the darkness that came along with it.   

  Over at Yolanda's house in Chula Vista, there was much the same anticipation for today's event.  Yolanda and her husband Fee had been attending MVCF for 8 years.  They were deacons for the church and leaders for the prayer team.   They had been praying for years for young Desiree and other members of the family, and knew today could turn into a very special appointment with the Lord indeed.  For they felt that Christ had already begun a work in Desiree's soul.

Older women likewise be reverent in behavior, not slanderers nor enslaved to much wine, teachers of that which is good;
that they may train the young women to love their husbands, to love their children.
Titus 2:3&4

Mothers and daughters, in fact multiple generations, can be found every year at the Christmas Victorian Tea
Mission Valley Christian Fellowship:
MVCF Women's Tea Event Page:
This book is
only for those
who LOVE our children

Author: Holy Spirit
through His
humble servant
Gregory Thompson




  Yolanda spent extra time putting on the intricate Victorian dress she had selected, and otherwise getting ready for the day.  There would be professional photographers doing sittings for the ladies, and she knew from years past how fun it was to look back at the photos and remember the fellowship.

  When she exitted the room she looked like a "picture" already.  Husband Fee and she prayed that many would come to know God, and that the logistics of the set up crew would go smoothly.

  As Yolanda breezed out the door, Fee asked his wife if Desiree was excited.  

"Oh, she just called.  The babysitter fell through.  See you!"

  Fee turned back to his office work for Jeremiah Realty, and felt a bit disappointed.  But that came with the territory.  With as many people as Fee witnessed to on a daily basis, he knew that these things sometimes happened.  There would be other opportunities to bring Desiree to church.   MVCF had great outreach programs all year, for every age bracket.

  But as Fee settled in for his relaxing day the Lord snapped him out of his seat:

"YOU''RE not doing anything today."

   "And I answered but LORD, he's only three years old!   But at that
moment, I knew I was going to spend my day babysitting little Levi."
Fee Soliven says.  "And SHE would be going to that Tea!"

   After making the calls and doing some convincing (Desiree was in
tears and had already removed her makeup and changed her clothes!)
Fee drove over to Desiree's and whisked away her little boy. 

  And Desiree was on her way.

  This story has a fine ending indeed.   Desiree arrived at the Red Lion Hanalei Hotel with plenty of time to get to know some wonderful new people.  Not the least of whom was Christ himself!   That's right--after
four years of Fee and Yolanda praying for her soul, Desiree accepted Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior.  She was one of the 12 who raised their hands and wanted to know Him after hearing the testimony of  Jessica Graves who is living with cancer, and the gospel message from Sandra Giovinetti and Betty Breedlove.

  But that's not all.   Throughout the course of the year, Desiree continued her walk with Christ.  She inspired her boyfriend Marcos to come to the Lord (Fee and Yolanda's son!) and the two were married this past summer by MVCF Pastor Leo Giovinetti. 

   Desiree now knows exactly what it means to have that all-important "church family."  And.. her example has inspired five members of her family to get saved and dedicate their lives to the Lord!  

  It's stories like this one that excited MVCF for this year's upcoming tea.  "The thing about Desiree coming to the Lord, is whenever you do these outreaches you never know who you are going to effect, or what brought them there," says Betty Breedlove.  "So when you hear a story like Desiree's it makes everything so worth it."
    Now is your chance to see what miracles this event will bring for 2006-07.   Tickets are now on sale and can be obtained by calling the church office at (619) 683-7729.   You are asked to call quickly--last year's event was sold out (in more ways than one!)  
Authentic Victorian Costumes are all part of the fun!
Watch out for those big hats and bustles like these seen at the 2005 event!
History of the Tea
By Betty Breedlove

Mission Valley Christian Fellowship had its first Christmas Dinner in 1994. We were only a few months old but the LORD provided a beautiful facility and Sandra Giovinetti delivered a great message of salvation.  In the Spring of 1998, we had our first Victorian High Noon Tea Lunch.

At this time we had only a handful of women who wore costumes from the 1800-1900 era.  In 2000 we moved the Tea to Christmastime.  Sandra thought that during the celebration of our LORD’S birth we could have our Tea as well as a complete dinner for our guest. We also decided to have a “hostess”  assigned to a table.  The hostess was able to decorate her table according to her own personality.  Now the ladies would be able to share their gifts and talents from the LORD with all the ladies.  This has grown to quite a spectacular array of designs, from the simplest to a grand display of one’s imagination.

As for the dresses, well that is a story in itself.  Women for the last five years have made the most extraordinary outfits.  And when I say extraordinary I mean extraordinary, from the simplest gown that was put together from second-hand stores to the most elaborate fabrics one can purchase.  What has been rewarding to see is that the women then give their gowns to our closet so that women can use them the following year.  Currently we have over 30 gowns available for women to borrow for our great event.  Every year more and more women come to this event dressed in “century aged” clothing.  We also have a fashion show where some of the dresses are highlighted and we are given the history of the clothing.

All that said the most important part of the Tea is that of Sandra giving the gospel.  She is able to deliver the message from her heart to the hearts of the ladies.  No one leaves this event without being touched by the message that God has given to her to share with us. We all look forward to her message and knowing that each heart will be touched.

What can I say about our worship?!  Not much except they truly teach us to sing praises and worship to our LORD.  Along with traditional songs we get to enjoy the music of the CHRISTmas season. 

And lets not forget the door prizes.  Every year the LORD provides for us to have a few door prizes and the ladies get real excited about these gifts, or maybe it’s just that we get to be little girls again and play dress up.  If you say you never did this as a little girl, well now is that opportunity, remember we are daughters of the KING and we are HIS little girls. 

Dressing is not mandatory to attend this event; what is mandatory is that you come with a heart to be with other women, and enjoy the love that Jesus Christ has given to us.
The Lord's Will Comes to Fruition:

Desiree and Marco wed
on Glorietta Bay
this summer!
Jessica Graves Gives Her Testimony

is slated for Saturday, December Dec. 9, 2006
at the Red Lion Hanalei Hotel
Tickets are $35 - Parking is $2      
Photo Sittings Begin at 10am - Lunch Served at 11:30
Office: (619) 656-8392   Fax: (619) 656-0250

  Therefore encourage one another
and build each other up,
just as in fact you are doing
                       - 1 Thess 5:11 NIV