This is the day the Lord hath made; he calls the hours his own.
Let heaven rejoice, let earth be glad, and praise surround the throne.
San Diego County

News Service BY Christians FOR Christians  *  Promoting Good News Events and Building Communication in the Body of Christ"
I pray that God, who gives hope, will bless you with complete happiness and peace because of your faith. And may the power of the Holy Spirit fill you with hope.      Romans 15:13

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The Annual Christmas Victorian Tea
brought out the lace and love for Christ.

The event included lunch, fellowship, and  special music along with a Victorian fashion show.
Call (619) 683-7729 to inquire about next year's event

Christmas Victorian Tea Brings Fellowship, Message of the Gospel

(December 9, 2006)
    (  Hundreds of area women gathered at Mission Valley's Red Lion Hanalei Hotel to celebrate Jesus and the Christmas season Saturday.   They dressed in Victorian attire, but the message was truly one for all ages.

     Now in its 12th year, the Mission Valley Christian Fellowship Victorian Tea was started as a women's outreach and continues to bring new believers to the Lord, while allowing Christians to come together and fellowship...and have fun playing dress up!

     The theme for this year was "Royalty," and Sandra Giovinetti spoke about the news of the King of kings and Lord of lords, our true royalty Jesus Christ.   She shared her testimony and the gospel message, and invited everyone to change their lives by accepting Christ as their Lord.

     Suzie Farmer and her models delivered a fashion show with a historical look at the dresses of the time, and the royalty figures who made them popular.  Karen Hallahan led an annointed worship program that brought tears and joy to the crowd.

Please enjoy these three pages of photos from this special day!
This book is
only for those
who LOVE our children

Author: Holy Spirit
through His
humble servant
Gregory Thompson




History of the Tea
By Betty Breedlove

Mission Valley Christian Fellowship had its first Christmas Dinner in 1994. We were only a few months old but the LORD provided a beautiful facility and Sandra Giovinetti delivered a great message of salvation.  In the Spring of 1998, we had our first Victorian High Noon Tea Lunch.

At this time we had only a handful of women who wore costumes from the 1800-1900 era.  In 2000 we moved the Tea to Christmastime.  Sandra thought that during the celebration of our LORD’S birth we could have our Tea as well as a complete dinner for our guest. We also decided to have a “hostess”  assigned to a table.  The hostess was able to decorate her table according to her own personality.  Now the ladies would be able to share their gifts and talents from the LORD with all the ladies.  This has grown to quite a spectacular array of designs, from the simplest to a grand display of one’s imagination.

As for the dresses, well that is a story in itself.  Women for the last five years have made the most extraordinary outfits.  And when I say extraordinary I mean extraordinary, from the simplest gown that was put together from second-hand stores to the most elaborate fabrics one can purchase.  What has been rewarding to see is that the women then give their gowns to our closet so that women can use them the following year.  Currently we have over 30 gowns available for women to borrow for our great event.  Every year more and more women come to this event dressed in “century aged” clothing.  We also have a fashion show where some of the dresses are highlighted and we are given the history of the clothing.

All that said the most important part of the Tea is that of Sandra giving the gospel.  She is able to deliver the message from her heart to the hearts of the ladies.  No one leaves this event without being touched by the message that God has given to her to share with us. We all look forward to her message and knowing that each heart will be touched.

What can I say about our worship?!  Not much except they truly teach us to sing praises and worship to our LORD.  Along with traditional songs we get to enjoy the music of the CHRISTmas season. 

And lets not forget the door prizes.  Every year the LORD provides for us to have a few door prizes and the ladies get real excited about these gifts, or maybe it’s just that we get to be little girls again and play dress up.  If you say you never did this as a little girl, well now is that opportunity, remember we are daughters of the KING and we are HIS little girls. 

Dressing is not mandatory to attend this event; what is mandatory is that you come with a heart to be with other women, and enjoy the love that Jesus Christ has given to us.
Office: (619) 656-8392   Fax: (619) 656-0250

  Therefore encourage one another
and build each other up,
just as in fact you are doing
                       - 1 Thess 5:11 NIV
"She makes coverings for her bed;
she is clothed in fine linen and purple..."
"Strength and honor are her clothing;
she shall rejoice in time to come."
Mercedes Soliven, Desiree Valdez,
Yolanda Soliven & Carol Steiner

Melissa Soliven

"Charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting;
but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised."
"Many women
do noble things,
but you surpass them all."
Vida Wade models one of the elaborate Victorian dresses

Sandra Giovinetti (r) delivered an anointed gospel message
to the ladies; she is pictured here with daughter Janet Cobb
Desiree Valdez models a dress representing what the
royals wore in the Victorian era
click here!

many more pictures!