News Service BY Christians FOR Christians  *  Promoting Good News Events and Building Communication in the Body of Christ"
This is the day the Lord hath made; he calls the hours his own.
Let heaven rejoice, let earth be glad, and praise surround the throne.
San Diego County





Disc Jockey


TOP STORIES from around San Diego County
San Diego Christians Share the Gos-
pel in Nepal, India; Modern-Day
Martyr Story
San Diegans will return to Nepal and India in
this year and in 2008 to spread the Good News
of Jesus Christ, and to train up leaders in the
Most Excellent Way drug and alcohol rehab
program.  Pastor John Pendleton of East Valley
Christian Fellowship has taken the message to
India five times, and will travel there again in September for seven weeks.  He will also be preaching the Gospel in Nepal ..(more)
Rep. Duncan Hunter Leads Charge to Stop  Mexican Truckers from Accessing U.S. Roads
More than 100 members of the U.S. House of Representatives have written to President Bush, asking him why the Department of Transportation apparently is ignoring what the legislators want. The issue was raised by U.S. Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-Calif., who circulated the letter dealing with plans to hurry along with a "demonstration" project to allow Mexican truckers access to U.S. roads. Specifically, the letter raised concerns about federal agency actions, apparently despite what Congress wrote into law..(more)

A Lively Debate over the Dead Sea Scrolls: As the Ancient Documents Land in San Diego, Scholars Clash 
The Dead Sea Scroll, which open June 29 in San Diego, catch the attention of the LA Times. The scrolls in San Diego include a dozen from Israel and three lent by Jordan. After three months, Israeli authorities will exchange their first assortment for 12 others, including a Deuteronomy parchment that contains the Ten Commandments...(more)
San Diego Christians Share the Gospel in Nepal, India; Modern-Day Martyr Story
San Diegans will return to Nepal and India in this year and in 2008 to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ, and to train up leaders in the Most Excellent Way drug and alcohol rehab program.  Pastor John Pendleton of East Valley  ...(more)

112 San Diegans Head to Israel During Heightened Tension; Will Meet with Prime Minister
Pastor Leo Giovinetti and 112 of his San Diego congregation from Mission Valley Christian Fellowship are in Israel this week while there is growing evidence that Syria is preparing for war. In February Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert began warning of possible war with Syria...(more) 
New Age Pandemic Corrupts the Church
  SCCN Columnist Marsha West shows how New Age “spirituality” is corrupting Christians, most of whom have no clue that they’re partaking in sorcery.  Astrology, “Christian yoga,” meditation to achieve an altered state of consciousness, calling on angels, and even some of the martial arts, fall under the category of sorcery...(more)
Christian Yoga? C'mon! As New Year's Resolutions Take Center Stage, A Reminder That Yoga Is Counterfeit Religion!
  It's a major part of the Southern California lifestyle. Just this week a memorial yoga class was held after a popular yoga teacher was killed in a traffic accident.  This was covered by the mainstream media.  But here'swhat you won't find reported there:  Many Christians have been duped into thinking that yoga is just exercise. Nothing could be further from the truth..(more)

Escondido's Harald Bredesen Dies After Fall At Age 88; Lutheran Minister Helped Form Pat Robertson's Ministry 
  The Reverend Harald Bredesen , a charismatic preacher who helped form the ministry of Pat Robertson, has died after falling down his stairs Tuesday.   Bredesen was often called the father of the Charismatic Movement, now in the hundreds of millions...(more)

Remembered for Pardon and Pro-Choice Stance,
The Nation Bids Farewell To President Gerald Ford
  Former President Gerald R. Ford, who declared "Our long national nightmare is over" as he replaced Richard Nixon, died peacefully at his Rancho Mirage home Tuesday night. He was 93...(more)

Baptist Press:  'Facing the Giants' tops $10 million
at box office ahead of DVD release; 800+ Saved
  More than a month before the DVD is released, the movie which was picked up by Sony Pictures tops the $10 million mark...(more)
San Diego Church Broadcasts Christmas Eve Services Live Across the U.S. and Over the Internet
  The country's largest homeless church has once again found a place on the radio dial and will air its Christmas Eve service on nearly 500 radio stations around the country, including Alaska and Hawaii.   Pastor Leo Giovinetti of Mission Valley Christian Fellowship will be heard on all CSN stations...(more)

San Diego's Only 24-Hour Gospel Radio Station To Change Call Letters, Frequency
  "The Soul of San Diego" will change position on the dial starting in mid-January, going from KURS 1040 am to KSON 1240 am.   The move will almost triple the station's output to 1,000 watts...(more)

Mira Mesa Man Changes His Story, Pleads Not Guilty In
Jesus Statue Defacing Case
A 20-year old Mira Mesa man who reportedly already admitted defacing of a statue of Jesus Christ pleaded "not guilty" in San Diego Superior Court.   Alix Rolland could face up to seven years...(more)

Border Agents Plead for Presidential 'Christmas Pardon' in Santa Ana Court; Drug-Carrying Immigrant Got Full Immunity
  Forty-eight Republican lawmakers joined two border patrol agents in asking for a presidential pardon Thursday.  Jose Alonso Compean was sentenced to prison along with his partner for shooting and wounding a man smuggling drugs into the U.S...(more)

"Hope for the Homefront" Offers Tips to Help Military Families Over the Holidays      
  The wife of a former Navy Seal has tips for helping military families with deployed members make it through the holidays...(more)

Survey: Parents Struggle Talking with Teens About Serious Matters 
  A majority of parents confess they have a difficult time getting their teens involved in meaningful discussions about their concerns -- such as who their friends are, their attire, and how school is going, even though research indicates that teens are four times more likely to use drugs if they are not regularly monitored by parents...(more)

Ministry to Build National Retreat Center for the Arts in San Clemente
  The Grove Center for the Arts announced its plans to develop the first national retreat center for arts in the Church. Founded in 2003 and led by Executive Director, Joey O'Connor, the non-profit ministry received a donation of a twelve acre avocado and lemon ranch located in Valley Center, California...(more)

Dead Sea Scrolls To Visit San Diego This Summer  
  Tickets for Dead Sea Scrolls exhibit, which is coming to San Diego in June, are now on sale.  The display, the largest, most comprehensive exhibition of the Dead Sea Scrolls ever assembled,  includes authentic scrolls, illuminated biblical manuscripts, ancient artifacts, and photography...(more)

Church Behind "Facing the Giants" Sees Christmas Gift in Number Who Have Come To Jesus By the Film
  Far From Hollywood, Young Actor Speaks With SCCN and Says Glory Must Go to God -- It was quite a team that hit the silver screen for the hit independent Christian movie "Facing the Giants."  Not the "Eagles" football team they portray on the screen, but the team of fellow church members who came together to create a film to glorify the Lord our God...(more)

San Diego Performing Group "King's Kids" Learning Young About Sharing the Message of Jesus Christ
  In what has become a favorite of the Christmas season, the MVCF "King's Kids" presented their annual Christmas show to a packed audience.   The two-night engagement was called "All I Want for Christmas"...(more) (photo album)

Southern California Fence-Building Company That Helped Build Border Fence Guilty of Knowingly Hiring Illegal Aliens
  Golden State Fence, the company's founder, and another executive will now pay a combined penalty of $5 million. The two men admitted hiring at least ten illegal immigrants. The Immigration Service has said there were many more.  The fine is one of the biggest ever imposed ...(more, 7th item

San Diego Christians Upset Over Sudden Absence of Nativity Scene From Lawrence Welk Resort
  The Lawrence Welk Resort dinner theatre is once again hosting the "Welk Musical Christmas."  But this year many ticket holders were taken aback to find upon their arrival that some Christmas cheer was lacking...(more)

Local Man Struck By Car Lapses Into Coma, Has Miracle Healing Hour After Being Prayed Over
  Nineteen-year-old Alex Lopez had lapsed into a coma and worse yet, his brain was bleeding.  Paramedics had transported him to Palomar Memorial Hospital in Escondido where his family had gathered to wait for news on his condition.  Things began to change shortly after members of a local prayer team showed up...(more)

Toys for Joy Celebrating 10 Years of Blessing Children, Holding Christmas Event
  Area pastors are teaming up again this year to bring toys, fun, and Christ to San Diego families.  The 10th annual “Toys for Joy” Christmas Outreach is set for this Friday night...(more)

Christmas Victorian Tea Brings Fellowship, Message of the Gospel
   Hundreds of area women gathered at Mission Valley's Red Lion Hanalei Hotel to celebrate Jesus and the Christmas season recently.   They dressed in Victorian attire, but the message was truly one for all ages...(more)

San Diego Pastor From Egypt: Pray That God Will Reach Many in Arab World
An Egyptian doctor-turned-pastor right here in San Diego shares that he is witnessing a different kind of healing in his church and his country -- a healing of people's lives brought about through the knowledge of and salvation through Jesus Christ...(more)

EXTREME EVANGELISM Has its Genesis in Southern California;  Group Battles For Souls Out On the Streets
  The mission for "Out of Egypt Ministries" is clear:  extreme evangelism.  Pastor Egypt McKee and his team have taken their ministry everywhere from the Hollywood Walk of Fame to the fields of Africa, and they are headed back to the front lines in the battle for souls...(more)


--What's a Christian To Do?   SCCN Provides List of Places Where You Can Buy and Still Have a "Merry Christmas"

--Pacific Justice Institute Defends Pastor Who Handed Out Tracts & Was Accused of 'Hate Crime'

--CCF: HPV Vaccine Okay If Accompanied by Parental Consent, Sex Education

--Navigating Through the World as a Teenager in 2006

--Chula Vista Holiday Festival Kicks Off, Allows "Jesus Christ Dancers" To Take the Stage

--Faith On the Battlefront:  SCCN Pays Tribute to Our Men & Women In the Military This Christmas Season

--Attorney Expecting More Good News on Cross Case

--Christmas Victorian Tea Brings Gospel To A New Age

-- Is Christmas Left Behind?"December Nights" Opens In SD


--A Call to Parents:  Get thy Children to On-Fire Youth Group
Office: (619) 656-8392  
Fax: (619) 656-0250

When Disaster Strikes
  Therefore encourage one another
and build each other up,
just as in fact you are doing
                       - 1 Thess 5:11 NIV

   But we request of you, brethren, that you
appreciate those who diligently labor among
you, and have charge over you in the Lord and
give you instruction, and that you esteem them
very highly in love because of their work. Live in peace with one another.

  We urge you, brethren, admonish the unruly, encourage the fainthearted, help  the weak, be patient with everyone.

  See that no one repays another
with evil for evil,
but always seek after that
which is good for one another
and for all people. 
Rejoice always;  pray without ceasing;
in everything give thanks;
for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.
Office: (619) 656-8392  
Fax: (619) 656-0250


Who said the following?

"It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often
that this great nation was founded, not by religionists,
but by Christians;
not on religions,
but on the
Gospel of Jesus Christ.
For this very reason
peoples of other faiths
have been afforded asylum, prosperity,
and freedom of worship here." 

(Founding Father Patrick Henry)
Would you like to advertise
and support this ministry?

Coming in January
Many Christians have been duped into thinking that yoga is just relaxation and exercise. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Classical yoga is intended to put one into an altered state of consciousness.

Believers who think they’re “just exercising” are being swept into a counterfeit religion.

The truth will set you free!
Radical Feminism:  The Kiss of
  SCCN Columnist Marsha West concludes
that as a result of the feminist movement,
there are no gender-based role differences
in many marriages.  Wives wear the pants
in the family,husbands show little or no
leadership and are often wimps, and children are unmanageable. Is this what God intended for the`family? (more)

Beware of Angels of from the Dark Side
  Stories of angelic encounters abound on the Internet and in books.  SCCN Columnist Marsha West takes us straight to the Bible to show that some messengers are not necessarily
“angels of light” as some believe, and instead can take humans far into insidious, demonic places...(more)

New Age Pandemic Corrupts the Church
  SCCN Columnist Marsha West shows how New Age “spirituality” is corrupting Christians, most of whom have no clue that they’re partaking in sorcery.  Astrology, “Christian yoga,” meditation to achieve an altered state of consciousness, calling on angels, and even some of the martial arts, fall under the category of sorcery...(more)

  Pastor Egypt McKee's first book,
"Life. The Struggle Within"
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Contact (760) 727-8895
  Pastor Egypt McKee's first book,
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